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How do you know what is public or private on your record?

This publication helps young people who have been affected by the criminal legal system and are in the process of applying for a job, school, or housing better understand the complexities of their record and assert their rights. It brings clarity to legal jargon, helps young people navigate convoluted policy, and gives them the tools to better advocate for themselves.

This publication was developed through a collaboration with Youth Represent, a public interest law office dedicated to improving the lives and futures of young people impacted by the criminal legal system in New York. Over the course of the design process, Youth Represent's clients informed the direction for the design, helped create visual content, and offered feedback on versions all along the way.

In addition to being distributed to Youth Represent's clients, the booklet is being used by staff at partner organizations for Know Your Rights Trainings, and policymakers so that they can better understand the situation on the ground. You can download the publication here.

Developed with Anne Oredeko, Balfour Takyi, Kate Rubin, Michael Pope, Tianesha Drayton, Dale Ventura, and Yazmin Abdullah of Youth Represent.

Writing and design: Valeria Mogilevich